
Liturgical Ministries
The purpose of the Ministry of Reading is to proclaim the Word of God in Liturgy to help the faithful develop a deeper understanding and love for Sacred Scripture through prayerful spiritual and skillful technical preparation. The reader’s mission is to share God’s Word so that the word comes alive and refreshes the faith of the congregation.
Ministry Coordinator:
Reader Information Sheet pdf
 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
These individuals prepare and assist in the distribution of the Body and Blood of the Lord.  Ministers are selected by the pastor.
Ministry Coordinator: Kathy Molhem
Altar Servers
Children who have received their First Communion and older are eligible.Servers assist the priest in the celebration of mass.
Ministry Coordinators:
Donna ClementsProcedures and Guidelines
Music –
We are always welcoming parishioners who are interested in sharing their gifts and talents with our parish family. There are places for all who are interested and you do not have to be a professional. Our ministries include:
Adult Choir
Children and Family Choir
Ministry Coordinator: Jon Sarta
These individuals welcome the people as they arrive and create a prayerful atmosphere by escorting people to seats, taking up the collection, handing out bulletins and other duties.
Ministry Coordinator:
Steve Potts                Please call parish office
Usher Information Sheet pdf
 Art and Environment
 Members plan and implement our church environment to enhance the worship of the assembly.
 Ministry Coordinator: Jon Sarta
 St. Vincent De Paul

Our SVDP conference is an organization that brings help to the needy in our church and communities by having our representatives make home visits, and determining what the family needs are.  Our helpline phone number is 407-245-7307.  We are also always looking for volunteers to join our organization.

Ministry to the Sick and Shut Ins
We are a group of men and women, English and Spanish-speaking who come forth from thecommunity to minister to persons who are ill.

Why We Exist:
 With the aging of our community and the various methods of treatment of diseases, the need for qualified people to serve in the Ministry to the Sick has become more and more essential. The Ministers to the Sick serve many people in our parish who are ill including hospitals, nursing facilities, and assisted living facilities and homebound and shut-ins. We first bring ourselves as a representative from the Community of Resurrection with prayer and when possible with the strength and healing power of the Holy Eucharist.When and Where we Meet:Our Ministry takes place wherever the sick Person is at the time.This Ministry has been a part of the Catholic Church since its institution by Christ over 2,000 years ago. Every month our ministers make between150 and 200 visits to Catholic people in one hospital, five nursing facilities, two assisted living homes, and many visits to the home-bound and shut-ins throughout the Winter Garden/Ocoee area. Some are Resurrection parishioners but many come from other Catholic ChurchesHow the ministry worksFirst and foremost we pay a pastoral visit to the person. This includes praying together, friendly conversation and when appropriate, Holy Communion. We also alert the Pastor when the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick or Reconciliation is requested.

Other things you should know:

The ministers are trained for this ministry in various ways:

† Interviewed by the Coordinator.

† By shadowing a seasoned Minister at various facilities to see whether

this is the right ministry for them.

† Diocesan FDLE and FBI clearance is required.

†   Become an Extraordinary Minister of  Holy Communion if not already one.

†   Complete a one-day Diocesan training.

Education and spiritual growth through activities such as retreats. Most of this requirement is satisfied through Diocesan and parish programs.

Ministry Coordinator:

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